Guest Lecture: Steig Larsson Styles

From time to time, IPF friend, fashion consultant and rogue academic, Kelly Bean, drops in to do a guest post.  This is one of those times.

Many of StyleNation’s academics are counting down the semester’s remaining classroom days. What better time for a little fantasy professorial fashion? Over in the rogue sector of academia, where the dress code is hazy at best, I’ve been doing some archival closet research in pursuit of an unlikely classroom style that’s just perfect for end-of-term.
Lizbeth Salander Teaches a First-Year Survey Course.


black leather moto jacket (nicknamed the “sexy bitch jacket” before I even bought it): Le Chateau, c. 2002
black and burgundy striped blouse: Insight via Filene’s, c. 2009
navy tunic: American Apparel, c. 2010
big bad beloved black boots: Fluevog Cece, c. 1998
chunky ring: bought in Mexico and gifted by my parents, who are much nicer than Lisbeth’s, c. 2008
black and grey bead necklace: Aldo Accessories, c. 1996
not pictured: heavy black eyeliner, high-tech classroom setup, death glare
You. Where is your essay? Technological difficulties are not valid excuses in my class. I am the best hacker in the entire university.”
 “I keep a laser pointer and a switchblade in my boot at all times.”
(Aside: I can no longer wear these much-loved boots without them eating my feet. This makes me sad.)
What would Lisbeth do?
“We’ll be doing exam review next class, so be sure to bring any questions you might have. 

And don’t make me use this bike lock.”

What do you wish you could wear during the last week of classes?