30 for 30: Last (Full) Week of Classes!

Oh, end of term, I couldn’t love you more if I tried. Maybe if you didn’t inflict such a heap of grading on me… (Though really I have no one but myself to blame for the schedule) Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving Style Nation — or a lovely fourth weekend of November to our non-American members. Mine was good — filled with relaxing, eating of turkey, buying of TV, having a credit check performed by a current student to purchase said TV, and not getting enough work done. All in all, not a bad weekend.
Since I’ve got roughly a gazillion outfits to post to catch up my 30 for 30 adventures, let’s get to the pictures.
Top: Joe
Skirt: Gap
Tights: Target
Shoes: Aerosoles
Necklace-as-bracelet: Gifted from my Mom (Silpada, though)

Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed that I skipped this outfit in my last post. Lest I be anything short of transparent on this blog and in my completion of the 30 for 30 challenge, here’s outfit #10. I quite liked it in person — and in fact was complimented on it by my most style-y colleague. I hate these particular tights with these shoes; they’re not opaque enough so that my toes didn’t really look like they were covered in a way that seemed weird. Fortunately, I stocked up on new Hue tights after this outfit so hopefully this problem is a thing of the past.

Top and skirt: Gap
Tights: Hue
Shoes: Nine West
Necklace: The Bay

I wore this for Thanksgiving at a colleague’s house (I’m wearing some of my new tights — navy, here). After a bit of a heat wave, the temperatures dropped precipitously on Thanksgiving which was perfect for cramming my face with delicious food.

Top: Target
Cargos: Old Navy
Shoes: Chucks

This is what I wore to have the aforementioned awkward-est credit check ever. At least I looked relatively cute. And it was run by a student who’s doing well in my class and, thus, isn’t likely to be vindictive. And at least my salary was disclosed by me to the computer and not to him. But, still, GAH. This is why sort-of small towns suck. And it’s also an important lesson that if I can’t afford to pay for something without a store credit card, I probably shouldn’t buy it. Because it could be embarrassing. Not because it’s financially irresponsible.

Sweater: Gap
Tank: Hanes
Jeans: Old Navy
Shoes: Chucks
Necklace: Gifted from one of my sisters (the middle one, I think)

I think I wore this outfit for about an hour to do some errands on Saturday and then promptly changed into sweats. Just keeping it real here at IPF South.

Top: Joe
Skirt: Gap
Tights: Target

Ubiquitous gold flats: Nine West
Silver cuff: Forever 21 about a million years ago

So, here’s where I started making some substitutions in my 30 items. I traded this skirt for the purple plaid shirt I had in. The plaid shirt is one I want to love but just don’t for anything outside of working at home. This is partly because it doesn’t fit super well in the chestal arena, but mostly, I think this is a trend that just doesn’t work for my style. I’ve imagined lots of outfits for it but every one I put on I switch out of. Clearly, if it ain’t a striped shirt, I’m having none of it. Anyhow, this skirt is the twin to my workhorse khaki green — and is reversible and brown on the other side so it’s super versatile for the final half of these 30 days.

Any tips for making a trend work? Or do you just concede that one person doesn’t need to try everything?

Also, have you entered our giveaway yet? If not, you should probably do that.

Happy American Thanksgiving!

Happy American Thanksgiving!
This is Canadian Thanksgiving IPF, Eastern Division-styles where we celebrate with an annual Pumpkin Regatta.  What better way to celebrate grace than to hollow out a pumpkin and paddle it across the frigid water to the farthest shore?
We hope you all have safe travels and full tables and elastic-waist pants this holiday.

30 for 30: Catching Up

Hello Style Nation on this glorious Thanksgiving-eve. Mostly it’s glorious here because I cancelled my class today (fortunately, unlike for Rad, it’s not a problem here) so I’ve got effectively a week off. And then only 4 teaching days left! Woohoo! I’ve also booked my ticket home (sort of — we’re doing Christmas in Montreal with my two sisters this year) for the holidays (which are going to be sadly A-Dubs and D-Med free) and I fly out in exactly three weeks. Things are looking up! There’s something about the end of term where the insanity becomes manageable because you know that it’ll be over with soon (mostly). Also, I’ve lucked out this term and have non-complaining students (though, that’s one of the benefits of my (very) conservative students: they tend to cave in the face of even a modicum of authority).*
Anyhow… to the outfits!
Black top & purple flats: Joe
White t-shirt: Gap Outlet
Grey pants: Target

So, it’s decided to get weirdly warm again here which has made working with my 30 items a little difficult this week as I’ve got lots of sweaters and very few short sleeves. Thank god for a single teaching day.

Dress: Old Navy
Gold flats: Nine West
Gorgeous purple scarf: gifted from A-Dubs
One thing you might not know about A-Dubs and D-Med is that they are two of finest gift givers around. This scarf is one such gift. The photo doesn’t do justice to the gorgeousness of the purple — it’s both brighter and richer. It helped punch up this dress nicely and made the chestal arena SFW.

Top: Gap Outlet
Skirt: Gap, ages ago
Purple flats: Joe
Scarf: Old Navy
So you’re probably all getting a little sick of these gold and purple flats. I know I am, just a little. The last weeks have been busy in a way that has me reaching for easy & comfortable footwear — leaving my lovely heels languishing in my house. Next week, however, I promise to wear them, setting them free from their gilded cage.

*Apparently, I’d should be giving thanks for whoever invented parentheses. They can consider themselves thanked.

So, American readers, what are you looking forward to making yourself sick on in the next few days? And for our Canadian readers, what wisdom can you pass on to us in terms of digestion aids?

Not Red and Black

D-Med got me thinking about tights, and I’m trying not to wear so much red and black. To quote a Style Nation citizen’s recent post*, “that’s all I’ve got.”

Except that I don’t like these boots anymore. But I had to talk about commodity fetishism in this morning’s lecture. The boots are integral to this discussion. Ok. Now, that’s all.

Wool dress: Calvin Klein (via Melanie Lyne)
Silk giant-rose-print scarf: no clue (I hate tags on scarves, so like a dummy, I cut it off & threw it away)
Swirl-pattern tights: Hue (via Winners)
Boots: Feet First

This is about as short as I can comfortably go, skirt-wise, in the classroom. And I ALWAYS wear this dress with black tights. It’s too short to wear with coloured tights for teaching, right?

What up, Style Nation? 

Americanos, when are you offline for the holiday, if at all? 

More importantly, when can we expect you back?

* I’m sorry that I can’t find your name, but if you comment below, I’ll edit to credit

Headsuit & Boots

‘Morning, StyleNation, from IPF Northern Division where the countdown to term’s end continues. But we’re not talking about term today; instead, we’re live from The Great White North with ridiculous headsuit photos and a non-presentation-day conference ensemble. First, in response to inexplicable popular demand (see the comments sections), the curled up version of my new(ish) headsuit:

Hair Today, (Pi)goon Tomorrow*

It’s perhaps difficult to see here, but my favourite part of this haircut is the longer dangly wisps by my chin on each side of my face. I also enjoy that only the top layers are highlighted while the bottom and back are dyed a few shades darker than my natural colour.

Now that winter is here in earnest (it snowed ALL weekend, and snow continues to dump down today), the smoother version of this ‘do will probably be a better choice. Because then I can wear hats, not hoods. Hoods create static and fuzz.

* so titled in honour of the author featured at the event for which this ‘do was styled last night

Conference Outfit, Not Presenting

I wore this outfit to a conference in October the day after I delivered my paper. When I present, I dress more formally. On days when I’m just attending others’ panels, I dress more casually but avoid jeans. To my mind, I’m still too junior a scholar to relax entirely at professional conferences.

Poly-blend Dress: Chapter One (via Winners)
Cardigan: Nygard (remixed)
Jersey scarf: Gap (old; it came with a matching tunic that I rarely wear)
Leggings: (label’s rubbed off)
OTK boots: (via Shoe Heaven, remixed)
Wine: key element of conference evenings

Comfortable footwear is often key to good conference experience, don’t you think? It can be a bit of a hike between panel venues, or to the restaurant/pub for dinner, or from your hotel to the conference.

The conference I attended was in my home city, so I came home for cocktails with the A-Dubs-Hubs before heading out for an evening book launch/pub-based hobnobbing thingy.

I’ll remix the dress, again, soon. For now, you’ll have to trust me when I tell you that it’s best under this kind of sweater.

I’m off to meet with panicked students and to power through a pile of papers that MUST be returned tomorrow. Everything seems soooo dire at this time of the term.

What’s your week look like? And will you be dressing up or down for your stuff this week?

Legs Eleven

The other day, A-Dubs debuted some excellent superhero blue tights with matching wedges, but queried the quirk of her sartorial choice.  I often match my shoes to my tights and I wonder what makes it work and, more importantly, what makes it wonky.

Tights are a staple of my F/W wardrobe.  That means now.  I know that the rest of StyleNation is experiencing unseasonably bare leg weather, but here at IPF, Eastern Division it has been raining for over a week and now that the sun has mercifully returned, it is cold.  Puffy coat weather cold.  So I swaddle my gams and bring it.

This is what I wore the very same day that A-Dubs posted about her blue legs:

Skirt: All Saints
Purple Argyle Tights: Marks & Spencer
Purple Flats: Frye
Ladypose: Kicky

My mother always told me not to wear black tights with black shoes.  I don’t know why because this very advice led to an unfortunate incident in my early twenties when I wore a black velvet dress, white lace tights, and black patent leather heels to an important awards ceremony.

I can’t believe I just told you that.  I’m totally losing my credibility as a Style Icon.



Skirt: All Saints  Black Chevron Tights: Marks & Spencer  Black Illusion Shoes: United Nude.

This outfit is a lower-half staple.  The skirt is supposed to be bunched up like that but inevitably some kind soul informs me that I am experiencing static cling.
Why doesn’t anyone realise that I am a Style Icon?
Skirt: Closet (from Joy)
Brown Wooly Tights: Warm Legwear
Brown Shoes: Zinda

Here are some other ways I wear tights:

Skirt: All Saints
Grey Tights: can’t remember but I wore them for my campus visit two years ago so now they are my Lucky Tights
Blue Suede Shoes: vintage

One pair of tights, two ways:
Skirt: Comrags
Lacy Black Tights: Marks & Spencer
Leopard Print Flats: Topshop
Wellies: Hunter

The picture on the left is what I meant to wear.  The picture on the right is what I did wear when I forgot to pack my shoes.  Nothing says professional like wearing wellies to teach in.  Especially if they are wet and punctuate your lecture with aptly-timed squelches.  
Style. Icon.
Here are some ways I wish I could wear tights but have not done so outside of this photo shoot:

Skirt: Joe Fresh (grocery store)
Multi-Coloured Stripy Wooly Tights: bought them in Madrid
Red Booties: Fly London

Too Willy Wonka?
Yes, too Willy Wonka.

Skirt: Joe Fresh
Grey Wooly Tights: Warm Legwear
Peep-toe Sandals: Swedish Has-Beens

I’m still not comfortable wearing peep-toes in the classroom.  Even if I go all Prada 2006, it’s just not how I roll.  But I sort of like this.


I love tights.  I love how cozy they are.  I love how they can add sass or class to any outfit.

And I especially love not having to shave my legs because I am wearing tights.
What about you, StyleNation?  Do you love tights?  
Do I love tights too much?  More importantly,  you think I’m a Style Icon, right?

30 for 30 Week 2

Wow, what a lame title for today’s post. My apologies, Style Nation. I’ll try to do better next time. I offer pictures that include the mini-FR as penance.
Today’s post is a little later than I had planned as, inspired by Anne and Karl Weathers (I tried to find clips from him on Arrested Development where he talks about making a stew. No dice), I decided that today was just cold enough to make stew. So while that’s bubbling away, here’s what I’ve been wearing the last couple of days.
Sweater: Gap
Striped tank: Addition-Elle
Skirt: Old Navy
Ubiquitous Gold Flats: Nine West
Tights: Target

I really loved this outfit — though it was a bit warm for a full teaching day. I haven’t worn patterned tights since I was a child but I like them a lot as a way of broadening my horizons beyond basic black. I had big plans to not wear flats; however, I realized that morning how much my heels need the pads in them to limit toe-slippage. Once that’s taken care of, heels will be back in the 30 for 30 rotation.

Striped top: Target
Dress: Old Navy
Even more ubiquitous purple flats: Joe

This outfit was for a non-teaching day and was, more or less, a dry run for layering this dress in different ways. Next time, I’m going to throw on black tights and belt this sucker to make the darkness of the shirt less glaring against the lightness of the dress. So this wasn’t entirely successful in other words but it gave me some good ideas about where to go.

Striped turtleneck: Target
Grey pinstripe pants: Target
Bronze wedges: Etienne Aigner
Red & gold necklace: Gifted from my sister (though I’m pretty sure she got it at the Bay)

I’ve been finding this turtleneck difficult to style all of a sudden. I wore it a ton before the 30 for 30 challenge begun so it was a no-brainer to include. But since I’ve started this, I’ve planned to wear it on four or five different occasions only to change at the last minute. Hopefully, this wearing is the start of an upswing with it. Also, I’m wearing black and red in solidarity with A-Dubs (a combination I don’t wear that frequently — for instance, I love this necklace but have worn it only a handful of times).

Sweater: Joe
Tank: Hanes
Jeans: Old Navy
Gold flats: Nine West
Necklace: gifted from brother-in-law-to-be

And here’s today’s outfit. Perfect for stew-making and errand-running; not as perfect for the work I should be doing but is gathering dust instead. I’m justifying it by having worked straight through each of the previous three weekends. That’s how it works, right?

What articles of clothing are misbehaving for you? How do you get them back in line?

Once More in Black & Red

In the spirit, once again, of E-Jo’s ongoing remix extravaganza, I present one top, two ways. There’s a chance I’m in need of a break from the black with red accents. But it’s just so easy and comfortable – and these are important qualities in end-of-term wear.

You know what else is easy? A black poly-blend top. Because it goes with EVERYTHING and doesn’t fade in the wash. Here’s this wardrobe workhorse  one way (with the oh-so-edgy mug-in-hand pose) back in September:

Poly-blend top: Anne Klein (via Winners)
Gray denim bubble skirt: Rita di Cesare (Canadian designer, yo! Purchased while skipping the morning panels with Rinty the Crusher at a conference in Janey-Em‘s O-town)
Belt: thrifted
Boots: Miss Mooz (remixed)
Knee-socks: black cotton (from wherever)

‘Stellar lighting, no? I am a genius with the camera.

And here’s the same top with the same colour scheme, combined to create a less casual look this morning:

Top: as above
Skirt: Ice (yes, it’s lined; via Winners)
Belt: Buffalo (via Winners)
Hose: Hue
Shoes: Clarks Artisan (remixed)

The belt would NOT stay put, so I used a hair elastic to keep it in place. This, however, seems awkward and un-profesh.  Tell me you’ve got a better solution, StyleNation.

What do you wear too much? 

If I take a break from black and red, will you break from your go-to combination/s, too?

Days Four and Five

I had big plans to try and get a sixth outfit in this week. Then I decided that I’d way rather wear sweatpants today as I try to get on top of my huge pile o’ work. Clearly I’ve got awesome weekend plans. However, Thanksgiving is only one full week of classes away which makes everything seem do-able. And then I have a glorious week off.
Top and purple flats: Joe
Skirt: Gap

This was another non-teaching day outfit that I wore to run errands and go for dinner with a friend. I adore these purple flats and don’t want to contemplate their eventual demise (as they were super cheap, that day is going to come all too soon).

Sweater: Old Navy
Skirt: Eddie Bauer
Purple flats: Joe
Undershirt: Hanes

I had a different outfit planned out for Day 5 but, in the frantic early morning, I couldn’t get it to work the way I wanted. So I switched it up to this–which was decidedly too warm for the temperatures in the 80s we had yesterday. The sweater’s comfy though and has sleeves that are long enough for my gangly arms which is always a good thing.

What are your weekend plans Stylenation? Catching up on work or do you have lovely, fall-like plans?


In Which I (Finally) Get in the Game

It’s been fun watching the start to this here 30 for 30 challenge. It’s been fun so far doing it, too. I haven’t been too adventurous with my remixing so far, figuring that I should start with basic outfits so that, later on, I can re-invigorate my sure-to-be fading interest in these items. That said, working with a limited selection is working wonders on my getting-ready time in the mornings.
To the outfits…
Top and skirt: Gap
Gold flats: Nine West

This is a shirt I’ve yet to wear on the blog but put into the 30 for 30 rotation as, for some reason, I’ve had some difficulties styling it–even though it goes with a bunch of stuff I have. I figured this would force me to make use of it.

Top: Target
Cargo pants: Old Navy
Purple flats: Joe
Scarf: gift from my grandma

This was for a non-teaching day where I worked off campus. The pants are super comfy, if a little messy. Perfect for revising my manuscript; less perfect for professional attire in the office.

Black top: Joe
White t-shirt: Gap
Skirt: Old Navy
Tan wedges: Aerosoles
Green necklace: gift from my mom

Gifted accessories are totally getting a workout this week. This necklace is fab. It’s in a color that I probably wouldn’t have picked myself but that I love. I also love this pose; don’t I totally look natural & casual? (The hem of the white shirt was properly covered all day but decided to make its presence known during my photo session but I was too tired to take more shots. So, clearly, the shirt and I are at an impasse.)

Here’s a detail shot of the necklace. The beads are similar to papier-mache:

How’s your week going Stylenation? I’ve been showing Modern Times to my undergrad class which has been awesome both because the movie is fabulous and because I also don’t have to lecture.

Enjoying the unseasonably warm weather that seems to be everywhere, despite its ominous confirmation of environmental destruction?
