No Repeats: Off the Wagon

It’s day three of the No Repeats Challenge, and I’ve not repeated yet. I am, however, back on the red and black. I blame Style Underdog; her outfit post yesterday pushed me off the wagon.

Well, there may have been a few other forces involved in the selection of today’s ensemble: I needed to wear something comfortable and washable as I had to move offices (more on this later). But I couldn’t wear jeans as my faculty’s “Holiday Party” (horrible title – why can’t it just be an End-of-Term Shindig?) was this afternoon, and I promised my department Chair I’d go and do some hobnobbing (gah).

In short, this is what I’ve got on now as I sit happily in my new office*:

Wash & wear tunic: Tiana B. (remixed)
Belt-as-necklace: thrifted
Leggings: Groggy (via Winners)
OTK boots: France Mode (remixed)

~ I had to take approximately one zillion pictures this morning because this kept happening. I was VERY careful during the soiree.

* Professorial Aside: I cannot believe I finally have an office with a window AND a desk that’s neither constantly squeaking nor made of dented steel. I know a LOT of  university faculty don’t ever get any of these things. But for whatever reason, these resources are available in my department. Until very recently, however, there was no one in charge who was interested in allocating said resources. Hurrah for new leadership! 

And now, it’s back to marking hell for me. 

Tell me fun things you’re doing this week, StyleNation. 
Let me live vicariously through your fabulous lives.  

33 thoughts on “No Repeats: Off the Wagon

  1. This looks fantastic — very festive yet also comfortable. My department has a "Winter Gathering" — a lunch without booze. It leaves something to be desired as a shindig, whatever the name. I'm jealous of both your window and non-dented steel desk. Neither of those things are true for me.

  2. New office! Window! I'm happy for you (and mildly jealous. I don't really mind the Stalin-esque delights of my shoe-factory-turned office space). This is a beautiful and festive outfit. This red dress is super beautiful and needs to be paired with black. I agree with C&B- embrace it. It's your signature.As for me, I just entered grading hell, but I also have other deadlines that will make my "break" not so relaxing. But there's food to be cooked and eaten, so I will give myself breaks. Good luck to you!

  3. This looks extremely comfortable, but also great. Congratulations on your new office! It's great to move into a new place if it's an upgrade, as yours seems to be.No vicarious living from me: I still have 15 more short stories to read before I'm finished.

  4. Hi, I just hit your blog for the first time. I love, love, love how sexy those over the knee boots are on you. Incredibly sexy for a flat boot. Um, how can you live without a watch?Audrey

  5. congrats on the office set up. In my academic neighborhood, we generally just claim unused equipment and then wait for someone to complain. Finished my grading about 2 on Friday afternoon…and then did not know what to do with myself.You're looking good in this SU-inspired ensemble.

  6. I really really really like this outfit. That is all I have left…editing son's TKAMockingbird essay, social prejudice, good vs evil, education, racial prejudice, mockingbirds, etc. etc. etc……………………

  7. High fives on both the new office digs and for wearing OTK boots to a departmental function!$6 / glass is outrageous. Next year: flask in purse.Sorry you're in marking hell. Sucktastic! My week: same old same old, only with more cookies. Oh, and getting ready for a holiday-oriented road trip next week. Read "getting ready" as "dreading" rather than "actually doing productive things to prepare for said road trip."

  8. This looks extremely comfortable, but also great. Congratulations on your new office! It's great to move into a new place if it's an upgrade, as yours seems to be.No vicarious living from me: I still have 15 more short stories to read before I'm finished.

  9. *LHdM: Dude. I am sorry. I've put in some long years at a variety of dented metal desks. If it helps, my new desk is a hand-me-down made out of pressboard. *Anne: I hear you. Marking hell would be so much more bearable if I could go all Bridget Jones at the office partay. Also, I wanna see your copycat, but I also want to see what you've already picked out. 'Good thing you can post on lots of days!*Allison: Thanks, woman! Also, you've got a glowing fireplace in your kitchen AND you're going for fantasy xmas? I'm so going to enjoy vicariously living your life.

  10. If you are indeed falling off the wagon, then you are doing so with style. This is a great look!The hubs is currently immersed in marking hell in our kitchen, while I blog by the glow of the fireplace. Tomorow we're heading to New Hampshire for winter hiking, eating, and possibly shopping.

  11. If that's what falling off the wagon looks like, then I see nothing wrong with it! I could so easily copy-cat that outfit, and tomorrow is even my work "Holiday Party" but shoot, I've already got another outfit planned. I'll copy you soon though. Very soon…I'm going away as well, but there will be no palm trees as I'm staying in the cold, snowy Midwest. And tomorrow I have a date after my "Holiday Party." (really, the only thing that should be in quotes is "Party," since we don't have booze – I mean what's a work party without people getting obscenely drunk? Sigh, I miss the good old days of office partying…)

  12. Envy burns my soul that you have those amazing OTK boots and that you have an awesome window office with a great desk. Last year I had the most amazing office at the SLAC I was at, but this year I feel like Harry Potter in the closet under the stairs in my windowless office with its horribly small metal desk. That desk is the real reason I work at home on Fridays.

  13. *Cynthia: Ha! Also, that is a good point.*C&B: Thanks. Also, perhaps you're right. . . *Sheila: Oh, sweetness! That's a plan I can totally get vicariously behind.*E-Jo: That sucketh. All of it. There was booze for us today, but it was almost $6/glass. It is my humble opinion that that is WAY TOO MUCH to charge for el crappo wine. *Rad: That's funny as I've been envying your office and totally imagining it with a window. Also, Ok. Maybe. Finally, 'sorry about the other deadlines. But you have 'em because you are an important scholar and others must have access to your words. Enjoy those much-needed breaks!

  14. New office! Window! I'm happy for you (and mildly jealous. I don't really mind the Stalin-esque delights of my shoe-factory-turned office space). This is a beautiful and festive outfit. This red dress is super beautiful and needs to be paired with black. I agree with C&B- embrace it. It's your signature.As for me, I just entered grading hell, but I also have other deadlines that will make my "break" not so relaxing. But there's food to be cooked and eaten, so I will give myself breaks. Good luck to you!

  15. I'm still in transit. I'm currently in the Philadelphia airport, waiting for the third and final leg of this flight to Montreal. Also, it's totally called "Winter Gathering" — and, again, no booze.

  16. You know what? Embrace the red and black. It's been one of my favorite color combos (as you can probably guess) for many years and I think it ALWAYS looks good together. Wear it with pride, lady! And congrats on the new office. That kind of thing is always exciting…

  17. Dude. Thanks – but I didn't even think about the xmas colours thing. Crap. Also, ha! It's actually called a "Winter Gathering"? If so, that's hilarious. Last but not least, you get to teach grad classes. You don't need nice-desk comfort. p.s. How's Montreal? Are you still super sick, or were you able to leave all the badness behind you?

  18. This looks fantastic — very festive yet also comfortable. My department has a "Winter Gathering" — a lunch without booze. It leaves something to be desired as a shindig, whatever the name. I'm jealous of both your window and non-dented steel desk. Neither of those things are true for me.

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